A CSBK levelet tovabbitjuk a cserkeszotthon intezesevel kapcsolatban.
Please read the letter of CSBK about status of new scout center:
Kedves Cserkeszszulok!
Amint tudjatok, a Szent Imre egyhazkozseg bezarasa miatt, a clevelandi cserkeszeknek uj otthont kell talalni a kozel jovoben a cserkesz es regos gyulesekre. Az elmult honapokban a CSBK valasztmany tagjai a varos kulonbozo reszein tobb epuletet es helyseget neztek meg.
Amielott nekikezdtunk ennek a kutatomunkanak, megkertuk a parancsnokokat es regos vezetoket, hogy irjanak ossze egy listat, hogy mik a legfontosabb szuksegletek ahoz, hogy tovabbra is a legjobb cserkeszprogramot tudjuk nyujtani gyermekeinknek.
A listanak ezek voltak a fopontjai:
18-20 szoba, illetve orsi helyseg
legalabb 1 nagy terem, de jobb lenne 2
kellekek, felszerelesnek a helyszinen tarolas
gondnok ne kelljen a hasznalathoz
kozponti hely
parkolas legyen egyszeru es elegendo
kinti ret vagy ter
Igyekeztunk ezeket a szuksegleteket szamitasba venni, egybekotve avval, hogy anyagilag is elerheto legyen.
Az utolso Valasztmany gyulesen sikerult leszukiteni a listat. Termeszetesen fontosnak tartjuk a kedves szulok velemenyet is. Igy a kovetkezo hetekben reszletesebb informaciot fogunk kuldeni nektek, es alkalmat adunk arra, hogy Ti is hozzaszoljatok, es kozelebbrol megnezhessetek azokat a helyeket amik szamitasba johetnek.
Jo Munkat
A CSBK Valasztmany tagjai
Dear Scout Parents!
As many of you are probably aware, the Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s decision to close St. Emeric’s parish has necessitated that the scouts look for a new home for their scout and Regos meetings.
Over the past few months, the Board Members of the CSBK (American Hungarian Friends of Scouting) have investigated many options for such a new home all around the Greater Cleveland area.
Before we started into this daunting task, we asked the leaders of the scout troops and the Folk Ensemble to give us a list of the items that they considered most essential as requirements for a new home.
The main points are as follows:
secure location
18-20 meeting rooms or areas for smaller groups
at least one larger hall, preferably 2
storage space onsite
access to the facility without the need for someone to always let us in
central location
plentiful and secure parking
grassy area or outside space
As we visited and researched various sites, we looked for locations that fit as many of these points as possible, in addition to being financially affordable
At our last week’s Board meeting we were able to narrow down the options to the ones that best met these criteria.
As part of this process, we feel that the opinions of you, the parents, is also very important. During the coming weeks, we will be sending you additional information on these sites, and hopefully setting up some opportunities for you to look at all or some of them as well and to give us your feedback.
The Board Members of the American Hungarian Friends of Scouting